シューマン : 幻想小曲集 op. 73より第2曲 : Lebhaft, leicht

シューマン : 幻想小曲集 op. 73より第2曲 : Lebhaft, leicht


収録日: 2012年8月1日

Every so often, a musical encounter sees a truly astonishing "musico-biological" process take place. The meeting of the pianist Hélène Grimaud and the cellist Sol Gabetta last summer at the Menuhin Festival in Gstaad was one such rare encounter. Two charismatic stars made music together: two performers who play with such a combination of passion and intelligence that time after time they made the classics sound as contemporary as if composed today.

ソル・ガベッタ (チェロ)、エレーヌ・グリモー (ピアノ)