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Fairest Isle: A New National Songbook (English Orpheus 47)
Catherine Bott, Joseph Cornwell, The Parley of Instruments
Hark! Hark! the Lark: Music for Shakespeare's Company (English Orpheus 43)
Catherine Bott, Julia Gooding, Joseph Cornwell, Stephen Varcoe, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Cavalli: Messa Concertata & Other Works
Seicento, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Boyce: Peleus and Thetis & Other Theatre Music (English Orpheus 41)
Opera Restor'd, Peter Holman
A High-Priz'd Noise: Violin Music for Charles I (English Orpheus 36)
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
John Jenkins: Late Consort Music (English Orpheus 11)
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Capel Bond: 6 Concertos in Seven Parts (English Orpheus 8)
The Parley of Instruments, Roy Goodman
An Englishman Abroad: Consort Music by Thomas Simpson (English Orpheus 6)
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Telemann: Recorder Concertos
Peter Holtslag, The Parley of Instruments
Gibbons & Lupo: Music for Prince Charles (English Orpheus 4)
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
A Musicall Dreame: Ayres & Instrumental Music by Farnaby, Dowland, Jones & Coprario
Michael Chance, David Cordier, Tragicomedia