Bomsori & Julien Quentin: Debussy, Szymanowski & Fauré

Bomsori & Julien Quentin: Debussy, Szymanowski & Fauré

Verbier Festival

Production Date: 29/07/2024
81 Min

Violinist Bomsori is joined by pianist Julien Quentin for a concert juxtaposing French and Polish repertoire for violin and piano. It begins with Debussy’s late Violin Sonata in G minor of 1917, which, although described by the composer as “an example of what may be produced by a sick man in time of war” (Debussy died the following year), has gone on to achieve classic status. A late work is followed by an early work: Szymanowski’s harmonically and formally adventurous Violin Sonata in D minor, Op. 9, whose tarantella finale finds an echo in the composer’s Nocturne and Tarantella, Op. 28. Fauré’s Violin Sonata No. 1, in which his mature style starts to shine through within a conventional framework, completes the beguiling programme.

Bomsori (Violin), Julien Quentin (Piano)

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