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Violin, Cadenzor

Henryk Szeryng

1918 — 1988


Henryk Szeryng

Henryk Szeryng (usually pronounced HEN-r-ik SHEH-r-in-g) (22 September 1918 – 3 March 1988) was a Polish violinist. He made his solo debut on 6 January 1933 playing the Brahms Violin Concerto with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra under Romanian conductor George Georgescu. In 1960, Szeryng was named Mexican Cultural Ambassador. In 1966, by which time he had moved to Paris, he was designated Honorary Director of the Conservatory of Music in Mexico City, and a Henryk Szeryng Music Festival was held in his honor in Mexico City. He returned to Mexico twice a year and traveled on a diplomatic passport as Mexico's official cultural ambassador, but lived in Paris for two decades, then spent his last five years in Monaco.