Benjamin Lackner
German-American pianist Benjamin Lackner released several albums with his long-standing trio before making his ECM debut in 2022 with Last Decade. On the album, the Berlin-based pianist is joined by fellow ECM recording artists Mathias Eick and Manu Katché as well as bassist Jérome Regard. It received much critical acclaim upon its release with Stereophile magazine saying “ECM released some fine albums in 2022, but few are more beautiful”. In the Swiss weekly magazine Weltwoche, Peter Rüedi called Lackner’s music “a type of classical music”, praising it as a “masterpiece which, in an almost hypnotic melodic maelstrom of eight original Lackner compositions, dispenses with all soloistic 'flamboyance' and spectacular artistry in favour of a highly integrated sound and intimate exchange of ideas.”