


1873 — 1943
セルゲイ・ラフマニノフの音楽の特徴は、壮大なメロディー、名人芸ともいえるピアニズム、そして重厚なオーケストレーションである。若き日の彼はモスクワの教師の厳しい指導のもとでコンサートピアニストとして活躍する一方、作曲家としても天才ぶりを発揮し、嬰ハ短調の前奏曲や10代で作曲した1幕のオペラ《アレコ》で師チャイコフスキーを驚かせた。1893年にチャイコフスキーが死去し、その後数年間の晩年期は苦しく、1897年に不安定なグラズノフの指揮で行われた交響曲第1番の初演では深いうつ状態に陥り、3年間も作曲をすることができなくなった。催眠術師に相談したことでようやく創作意欲が戻り、1901年11月にはピアノ協奏曲第2番を初演し成功。このことは作曲を続ける励みとなった。 しかし、この間、ラフマニノフはオペラ指揮者としての才能を育むことに励んでいた。ラフマニノフが指揮者として録音を残したのはわずか3回だが、そこには卓越した柔軟性と確かな構造的センスが見て取れる。数年にわたる国内外での数多くの演奏旅行と革命の勃発を経て、彼はロシアからアメリカに移住し、コンサートピアニストとしての輝かしいキャリアを築く。彼の4つのピアノ協奏曲、独自の解釈による数々のソロ作品、3つの交響曲に代表される華麗で、暗くロマンティックな、紛れもないロシア音楽の人気は廃れることがない。作曲した作品は壮大な合唱曲やオペラも含め、幅広い。

Sergei Rachmaninoff

Composer 1873 – 1943 Sergei Wassiljewitsch Rachmaninoff is considered one of the most significant composers and pianists of the late Romantic era. His works, characterized by emotional depth, virtuosic piano mastery, and a distinctly Russian musical style, remain a staple in the repertoire of classical music to this day.

Rachmaninoff's Musical Career

Under the strict guidance of his Moscow teachers, Rachmaninoff developed into a virtuoso pianist and composer. However, his initial successes were marred by a significant setback when the premiere of his first symphony was a failure. This event, along with a private performance of his latest songs for the ageing Tolstoy — delivered by the great singer Fyodor Chaliapin but met with a cool reception — plunged him into a deep depression that kept him from composing for three years. It wasn’t until he sought the help of a hypnotist that his creative spirit returned. The success of his second piano concerto, premiered in November 1901, reinvigorated his resolve to continue composing. After years of extensive concert tours both at home and abroad, and with the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, he left Russia permanently, settling in the United States, where he embarked on a brilliant career as a concert pianist.

His Most Famous Works

Sergei Rachmaninoff’s music is renowned for its emotional depth and virtuosic artistry, embodying a lush, darkly romantic, and unmistakably Russian style. His four piano concertos, three symphonies, and numerous solo piano pieces, many of which he masterfully performed himself, are among his most celebrated works. However, his extensive oeuvre also includes impressive choral works and operas.

Masterful Piano Concertos

Rachmaninoff’s piano concertos rank among the most significant works of Romantic music, celebrated for their technical brilliance and emotional intensity. The second and third piano concertos, in particular, have achieved legendary status in the repertoire.

Timeless Symphonies

Rachmaninoff’s three symphonies are magnificent examples of late Romantic orchestral art, reflecting his distinctive Russian style and emotional expressiveness:

  • Symphony No. 1 – Despite its initial failure, this symphony is now recognized as an impressive early work that foreshadows his later developments.
  • Symphony No. 2 – One of his most popular works, known for its lyrical themes, rich orchestration, and emotional depth.
  • Symphony No. 3 – Written in the United States, it combines traditional Russian elements with a modern style and is admired for its intimacy and expressiveness.

Other Significant Works

In addition to his piano concertos and symphonies, Sergei Rachmaninoff composed numerous other works that showcase his versatility and unique musical vision. Notable pieces include:

  • Vocalise – Originally a song without words from his Op. 34 song cycle, this piece captivates with its simple yet moving melody. It has been arranged for numerous instruments and remains one of his most beloved works.
  • Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini – Often referred to as the "Paganini Variations", this brilliant composition for piano and orchestra is a masterpiece.
  • Symphonic Dances – As Rachmaninoff’s final orchestral work, the "Symphonic Dances" represent a rhythmically dynamic and melancholic reflection on life and mortality.
  • The Isle of the Dead – This symphonic poem is notable for its dark, mystical atmosphere and is among his most striking orchestral works.
  • Aleko – Rachmaninoff’s first opera demonstrates his early talent for dramatic and emotional expression.

Stream Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Music on STAGE+ Now!

Experience the timeless music of Sergei Rachmaninoff anytime and anywhere on STAGE+. Our streaming service offers an extensive collection of his most renowned works, from legendary piano concertos to his powerful symphonies and unique solo pieces. Enjoy Rachmaninoff’s music in the highest quality and let his masterful compositions enchant you!