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Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (Bayreuth, 1995)

Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (Bayreuth, 1995)


Müller, Barenboim

Production Date: 09/07/1995
237 Min

This production of Tristan und Isolde is one of many in Bayreuth's history that initially met with criticism and protest from audiences and critics, and later gained the status of a classic. Daniel Barenboim, conducting his second new Bayreuth production of Tristan, had chosen Heiner Müller, probably the most important poet-director of East Germany, as his partner. Müller emphasizes the apocalyptic aspects of the work in Erich Wonder's beguilingly illuminated stage sets and repeatedly separates the lovers by a seemingly insurmountable distance. Waltraud Meier and Siegfried Jerusalem humanise the scenic radicalism with singing praised for its passion and technical control.

Matthias Hölle (Bass), Siegfried Jerusalem (Tenor), Waltraud Meier (Soprano), Peter Maus (Tenor), Falk Struckmann (Bass-Baritone), Uta Priew (Mezzo-Soprano), Poul Elming (Tenor), Sándor Sólyom-Nagy (Baritone)
Bayreuth Festival Chorus, Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele
Daniel Barenboim

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