Norrington conducts Haydn: "Paris" Symphonies Nos. 85 & 87

Norrington conducts Haydn: "Paris" Symphonies Nos. 85 & 87

Camerata Salzburg

Production Date: 08/08/2000
54 Min

Of all the great pioneers of the early music revival, few can match Sir Roger Norrington for the originality, the experience and the pure, unbuttoned joie-de-vivre that he brings to everything he conducts. Certainly, it's hard to think of a wittier or more congenial interpreter for two of Haydn's "Paris" symphonies: controlled explosions of fantasy, colour and symphonic argument, performed here with historically informed flair by the (modern instrument) virtuosi of the Salzburg Camerata. No.85 – nicknamed "La Reine" – is the most stately of the "Paris" symphonies. No. 87 is the most headlong. But both receive performances of quite irresistible playfulness and panache.

Camerata Salzburg
Roger Norrington

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