Norrington conducts Haydn: "Paris" Symphonies Nos. 83 & 84

Norrington conducts Haydn: "Paris" Symphonies Nos. 83 & 84

Camerata Salzburg

Production Date: 12/08/2000
60 Min

Contemporaries nicknamed Haydn's Symphony No. 83 "La Poule" because a particularly quirky melody seemed to suggest the pecking of a hen. But don't be deceived: even at its most playful, Haydn's imagination burned with unquenchable fire. In this concert given at the Salzburg Mozarteum in 2000, both "La Poule" and its companion piece – the noble Symphony No. 84 – receive performances of irrepressible animation, commitment and wit. Sir Roger Norrington conducts Camerata Salzburg: a pioneer of historically informed performance working with modern-instrument players steeped in central European style. The result is as energising – and as delightful – as you could possibly wish.

Camerata Salzburg
Roger Norrington

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