


1819 — 1896
1819年にピアノ教師フリードリヒ・ヴィークの娘としてライプツィヒに生まれる。父から熱心な教育を受けたクララは、9歳でゲヴァントハウス管弦楽団でモーツァルトのピアノ協奏曲を弾いてデビューした。その後、神童として10代でドイツ、オーストリア、フランスでツアーを行った。作曲家としても、幼くして才能を発揮している。 1837年、9歳年上のロベルト・シューマンと婚約。父の反対を押し切り1840年に結婚した。このころピアノ協奏曲 (1834年)や歌曲、いくつかのピアノの小品を完成させている。結婚後は、子供たちと、精神を病んでいくロベルトの世話をこなしながら、ピアノ・ソナタ (1842年) やピアノ三重奏曲 (1846年) などを作曲する。ロベルトの影響を受け、歌曲の作曲も多く行い、《リュッケルトの詩による愛の春》(1841年) はロベルトとの共作となっている。 シューマン夫妻は、若いブラームスは親交を結び、ロベルトが亡くなった後も彼はクララの親しい友人であり続けた。両者の交友関係は、クララが亡くなるまでの長期間にわたった。 一方、演奏家、またピアノ教師としての活動に重点が置かれたため、1848年以降は、作曲することは少なくなっていった。 1896年に、脳出血のため76歳で死去。19世紀に女性としてキャリアを築いた功績は、今日でも高く評価されている。

An early virtuoso with extraordinary talent

Clara Wieck was born in Leipzig on 13 September 1819. Her father, Friedrich Wieck, recognised her extraordinary talent early on and devoted himself to her musical education with uncompromising dedication. She began playing the piano at the age of five and was soon taught other subjects such as composition, music theory and improvisation. At the age of nine, Clara gave her first public concert at the renowned Gewandhaus in Leipzig. Her technique, musicality, and stage presence impressed critics and audiences alike. Even as a teenager, she undertook extensive concert tours, which took her to Germany, Austria, and France. She received particular acclaim in Paris and Vienna, as she mastered even the most difficult passages with exceptional ease.

Career as a composer and teacher

Although Clara Schumann became known primarily as a pianist, she left behind an impressive body of compositional work. Even at a young age, she demonstrated her ability to combine musical ideas with technical skill. One of her most important works is the Piano Concerto in A minor Op. 7, which she composed at the age of just 16. Her compositions are characterised by a clear structure, passionate depth and the emotional intensity typical of the Romantic period. Her piano pieces and songs, which express life, love and the human soul in a subtle and soulful way, are also particularly noteworthy. In addition to her own musical career, Clara Schumann became one of the most sought-after piano teachers of her time. In Berlin and later in Frankfurt am Main, she trained numerous pianists who continued her tradition and high artistic standards.

Clara Schumann's best-known works

Clara Schumann set standards as a pianist. She was not only a brilliant technician, but also a pioneer of the modern concerto format. During her career, she organised numerous piano recitals in which she focused exclusively on the performance of one composer — a concept that was revolutionary at the time. Clara made it her mission to perform the works of Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Frédéric Chopin and Robert Schumann to a wide audience. Her aim was always not only to achieve technical perfection, but also to fully grasp and convey the emotional depth of the works. She attracted the attention of the composer and music critic Robert Schumann, nine years her senior, with whom she became engaged in 1837. She married him in 1840 against her father's fierce opposition. By this time, she had already completed her [Piano Concerto (1835)] as well as songs and several groups of piano miniatures, while she had to devote herself to her duties as a mother and the problems caused by Robert's increasing mental illness. Her Three Romances for Violin and Piano (Op. 22) are also particularly noteworthy and have captivated many musicians and listeners to this day. Clara was a tireless artist who, despite the challenges of her life — including bringing up her children and caring for her sick husband — always lived her musical vocation.

Late years and relationship with Johannes Brahms

When Robert died in 1856, she was already a mentor and close friend of the young Johannes Brahms; this relationship lasted until her death at the age of 76. After her husband's death, Clara Schumann dedicated herself to the task of preserving and promoting his musical legacy. She became the editor of his works and worked tirelessly to publicise his compositions. At the same time, she continued her own concert activities and achieved international recognition as a leading interpreter of romantic piano music. Even at an advanced age, Clara remained one of the most important musicians in Europe. She passed on her experience and knowledge to the next generation. She influenced numerous young pianists and played a decisive role in preserving the importance of classical music and the Romantic tradition for future musicians. Clara Schumann died in Frankfurt am Main in 1896 at the age of 76. Her life and work remain an outstanding example of how a single artist:can change the world of music.

A look at Clara's compositional legacy

Clara Schumann continued to devote herself to concert activities during her marriage and became an internationally renowned piano teacher, but she composed very little after 1848. The passionate, decidedly romantic works that she did complete are being recognised anew in the 21st century. Her compositions, which have been repeatedly pushed into the background over the years, are experiencing a renaissance today. What is special about Clara's music is her ability to combine emotion with impressive virtuosity and a clear formal structure. Her work is not only a reflection of her time, but also an impressive expression of her personality and her experiences.