


1770 — 1827
1770年にボンで生まれる。テノール歌手だった父ヨハンはモーツァルトを理想として、厳しく息子を教育した。ルートヴィヒはネーフェにピアノを師事したのち、ハイドンとの出会いを機に1792年にウィーンに移住。卓越したピアノ奏者として活躍しながら、作曲を本格的に学んだ。 1795年には自身のピアノ独奏で最初のピアノ協奏曲を初演、その5年後には交響曲第1番も発表している。 20代後半から聴力に異常がみられるようになり、1802年には避暑地ハイリゲンシュタットで遺書をしたためた。それをきっかけに創作意欲がみなぎって、「傑作の森」(ロマン・ロラン) と呼ばれる時期に突入する。交響曲第3番《英雄》(1804年) 、歌劇《フィデリオ》(1810年) 、ピアノ協奏曲第5番《皇帝》(1810年) 、中期の一連のピアノ・ソナタ等多くの名曲を生み出した。 40代でほぼ全聾になり、持病に苦しめられ、甥カールの非行にも苦悩した。その最中に書き上げられた交響曲第9番 (1824年) と「ミサ・ソレムニス」(1823年) は音楽史に名を刻む傑作である。 生涯で9つの交響曲、16の弦楽四重奏曲、そして32のピアノ・ソナタを生み出し、後世に多大な影響を及ぼした。1809年以降、宮廷などに属すことなく独立した音楽家として活動できたことも、彼の才能を物語っている。 1827年に58歳で死去。葬儀は2万人が参列する異例の規模となった。

Ludwig van Beethoven

Composer 1770 – 1827 Ludwig van Beethoven is regarded as one of the most significant figures in music history. Few individuals have contributed as much to classical music as Beethoven, whose works have inspired composers and musicians for more than 200 years.

Beethoven’s Life: A Brief Biography

Beethoven's life was marked by extraordinary talent, tireless creativity, and the challenges of his personal fate. His journey was a constant struggle between creative dedication and personal crises.

Early Years

Born in Bonn in 1770, Beethoven's musical talent became evident at an early age. His father, himself a court musician, drove him relentlessly to excel, instilling the foundations of music with daunting speed while neglecting the boy's general education. By the age of 14, the young musician was appointed organist in Bonn.

His Rise in Vienna

Haydn recommended that Beethoven move to Vienna, where, starting in 1792, he developed his musical language under the tutelage of Haydn and later Salieri. At the time, Vienna was the hub for nearly all German or Austrian musicians aspiring to fame. Through great effort, Beethoven earned the favour of wealthy and aristocratic patrons and connected with the instrumental virtuosos of his time. For them, he composed showcase pieces and accompanied their concert tours. Beethoven gained access to the significant salons of society and was admired as a piano virtuoso and improviser capable of moving his audience to tears. Even during his lifetime, Beethoven was widely recognized as a genius. His ability to live as an independent artist from 1809 onwards underscores the esteem he commanded in influential circles. An annual allowance, funded by a group of wealthy friends and patrons, came with the sole condition that Beethoven remain in Vienna. This freedom allowed him to follow his inspiration without composing for the court or the church.

Deafness and Personal Crises

Beethoven's intense relationship with music was a lifelong passion that increasingly strained his friendships, romantic relationships, and social interactions over the years. Before his 30th birthday, he was diagnosed with a hearing impairment that eventually led to complete deafness, further isolating the musician. This physical affliction, coupled with his misfortunes in love, triggered emotional crises, including thoughts of suicide. Beethoven withdrew more and more, earning a reputation as a misanthrope.

Beethoven’s Music: A Revolution in Classical Music

Driven by his artistic mission, he immersed himself in his work, radically transforming the musical genres he explored. He developed new compositional forms and previously unheard-of uses for instruments. In his mature period, Beethoven composed works across all genres that opened new perspectives and remain central to the repertoire today. Increasingly, he became convinced that music could guide humanity on its arduous journey—from misery to happiness and ignorance to enlightenment. He was among the first great composers to believe in the moral mission of his art.

Ludwig van Beethoven’s Most Famous Works

Beethoven’s nine symphonies, 16 string quartets, 32 piano sonatas, and countless other significant compositions create a body of work characterized by diversity and richness of form. This opus can also be understood as the spiritual autobiography of its creator. Below is an overview of his most important works.

Epic Symphonies

Beethoven’s nine symphonies are among the most monumental works in music history. They are noted for their profound emotionality, innovative structures, and groundbreaking instrumentation. Some of his most renowned symphonies include:

  • Symphony No. 3 “Eroica” – A revolutionary work that marks Beethoven’s entry into the “heroic symphonies” and breaks the boundaries of the classical symphony.
  • Symphony No. 5 – Famous for its striking fate motif.
  • Symphony No. 9 “Ode to Joy” – The monumental finale of this symphony includes the world-famous “Ode to Joy,” celebrated in many cultures as a hymn of peace. The lines “Joy, beautiful spark of the gods" are particularly iconic and symbolize the idealistic pinnacle of the work.

Masterful Piano Sonatas

Beethoven revolutionized piano music with his 32 piano sonatas, setting new standards for composition. These works reflect both his personal development and innovative musical spirit. Notable sonatas include:

Significant String Quartets

Beethoven’s 16 string quartets are considered the pinnacle of chamber music, showcasing his exceptional ability to create intimate soundscapes and develop new compositional ideas. Notable works in this genre include:

  • String Quartet No. 13 in E-flat major – Known for its melodic and harmonic sophistication, as well as the elaborate intermezzo in the third movement.
  • String Quartet No. 16 in F major – The last of his string quartets, regarded as one of the most perfect compositions in chamber music.
  • String Quartet No. 8 in E minor – A powerful work distinguished by its dramatic and tonal contrasts.

Fidelio: Beethoven’s Only Opera

In addition to his symphonies, piano sonatas, and string quartets, Beethoven composed many other outstanding works, including an opera titled “Fidelio”. This masterpiece, centred on themes of freedom, justice, and humanity, is considered a dramatic triumph. Beethoven worked on the opera for several years, initially titled “Leonore,” before its premiere as “Fidelio” in 1805. The opera underwent multiple revisions, reaching its final form in 1814. The work highlights his ability to create great musical and dramatic tension and remains an essential part of the operatic repertoire.

Stream Beethoven Albums and Concerts on STAGE+!

With STAGE+, you can experience Beethoven’s masterful works anytime and anywhere. Our streaming platform offers a wide selection of albums and live concerts from the legendary composer, presented in outstanding interpretations by world-renowned orchestras and artists. Whether it’s the monumental symphonies, expressive piano sonatas, or emotional string quartets, you can enjoy Beethoven’s musical legacy in high quality on STAGE+.