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Economou plays Beethoven: Six Bagatelles, Op. 126

Economou plays Beethoven: Six Bagatelles, Op. 126


Munich Klaviersommer

Production Date: 27/06/1982
21 Min

A game, a joke; a short unpretentious miniature – however you define a Bagatelle, there's no question that in Beethoven's hands, these small, superbly crafted piano pieces can contain whole musical worlds. For a musical polymath like the Cypriot pianist Nicolas Economou, they were a source of profound fascination and delight, qualities that shine through in this live performance from the summer of 1982, recorded in the Kongresssaal in Munich. Though he was only 28 at the time, Economou had little more than a decade left to live, making any document of his artistry a rare and precious thing. This is no exception.

Nicolas Economou (Piano)