Harnoncourt conducts Le nozze di Figaro

Harnoncourt conducts Le nozze di Figaro

Salzburg Festival, 2006

Production Date: 26/07/2006
202 Min

Claus Guth's production of Le nozze di Figaro proved one of the great successes of the 2006 Salzburg Festival, praised for its elegant set and for the psychological complexity of its characterisation. Hailed as a "triumph for Mozart" by the Salzburger Nachrichten, the production formed part of the Festival's unprecedented project to perform all of the Mozart's stage works in the composer's 250th-anniversary year. It provided one of the late highlights in the artistic career of conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt, with a superb cast including star soprano Anna Netrebko as Susanna and Christine Schäfer, who brought a compelling intimacy to the role of Cherubino.

Anna Netrebko (Soprano), Ildebrando D'Arcangelo (Bass), Dorothea Röschmann (Soprano), Bo Skovhus (Baritone), Christine Schäfer (Soprano), Marie McLaughlin (Soprano), Eva Liebau (Soprano), Patrick Henckens (Tenor), Franz-Josef Selig (Bass), Florian Boesch (Bass), Oliver Ringelhahn (Tenor)
Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor, Wiener Philharmoniker
Nikolaus Harnoncourt

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