


1959年にベルリンで生まれたクリスティアン・ティーレマンは、若い頃に多くの小さな歌劇場でコレペティトールとして経験を積んだ――これはカラヤンが、クラシック音楽の指揮者にとって「ハードだが不可欠な苦行」だと述べた仕事である。ベルリン・ドイツ・オペラでワーグナーの《ローエングリン》を振り大成功を収めたティーレマンは、1990–1991年シーズンにサンフランシスコでリヒャルト・シュトラウス作曲《エレクトラ》の新演出を指揮して米国にデビューした。 その後、メトロポリタン歌劇場でシュトラウスの《ばらの騎士》や《アラベラ》(共演はキリ・テ・カナワ)などを指揮した。 20年にわたりイタリアの全ての主要な歌劇場でオペラ指揮の経験を重ねたティーレマンは、1993年にボローニャ市立劇場の首席客演指揮者に就任。その後は共演オーケストラを絞り、ロンドンのコヴェント・ガーデン・ロイヤル・オペラ、ニューヨークのメトロポリタン歌劇場、ウィーン国立歌劇場など、歌劇場を厳選して指揮をするようになった。1997年、ベルリン・ドイツ・オペラの音楽総監督として故郷ベルリンに戻った。ティーレマンのバイロイト音楽祭デビューは2000年で、以来、毎年同音楽祭に登場し、ワーグナー演奏の指標を示す名演で観客を熱狂させている。2003年にドイツ連邦共和国功労勲章を受章し、翌年にミュンヘン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団の音楽総監督に就任。2013年からザルツブルク復活祭音楽祭の芸術監督、そしてドレスデン・シュターツカペレ(ドレスデン国立管弦楽団)の首席指揮者を務めている。2015年にバイロイトの音楽監督に就任し、同年、ライプツィヒのリヒャルト・ワーグナー協会からワーグナー賞を授与された。2016年には、ゼンパーオーパー・トラスト賞を贈られている。 多才なコンサート指揮者としても引く手あまたのティーレマンは、これまでアムステルダム、ロンドン、ニューヨーク、シカゴ、フィラデルフィアの世界屈指のオーケストラと共演し、イスラエル、日本、中国でも演奏を行っている。彼は、ドレスデン・シュターツカペレを率いてゼンパーオーパーやツアー先で数多くの演奏会を行い、ワーグナーとシュトラウスの生誕記念イヤーを充実させた。 ティーレマンのプログラミングは、バッハからヘンツェ、リーム、グバイドゥーリナに至るまで、幅広い音楽を取り上げることで知られる。新制作にも積極的に関わり、ドレスデンで《マノン・レスコー》、《シモン・ボッカネグラ》、《エレクトラ》、《魔弾の射手》、ザルツブルクで《パルジファル》、《アラベラ》、《カヴァレリア・ルスティカーナ》/《道化師》、《オテロ》、《ワルキューレ》の新演出を、それぞれ指揮した。 ロンドンの王立音楽院の名誉会員であるティーレマンは、ワイマールのフランツ・リスト音楽院とベルギーのルーヴェン・カトリック大学から名誉博士号を授与されている。


Christian Thielemann is one of the most important conductors of our time and is particularly appreciated for his profound interpretations of the late Romantic repertoire. His close connection to the music of Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss and Anton Bruckner has made him one of the most sought-after artists for the German sound ideal. With an extraordinary career that took him to the top of renowned orchestras, he had a decisive influence on classical music life.

Early years and musical influence

Christian Thielemann was born in Berlin on 1 April 1959. Even as a child, he was fascinated by music, especially the rich tradition of German Romanticism. He began his musical training as a violinist and pianist before turning to conducting. He was influenced early on by the great German conductors such as Wilhelm Furtwängler and Herbert von Karajan, whose interpretative style became formative for him. Thielemann was born into a music-loving family. He began his professional career in 1978 as a répétiteur at the Deutsche Oper Berlin. After working in Gelsenkirchen, Karlsruhe and Hanover, he became principal conductor at the Düsseldorf Rhine Opera in 1985. In 1988, he became Germany's youngest General Music Director in Nuremberg before returning to the Deutsche Oper Berlin for seven years in the same position in 1997. From 2004 to 2011, Thielemann was General Music Director of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra. Since the beginning of the 2012/2013 season, he has been chief conductor of the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden.

International career and artistic signature

After his early stations in Germany, Thielemann quickly rose to the top league of conductors. His work at the Deutsche Oper Berlin as well as his positions as General Music Director in Nuremberg and Chief Conductor in Karlsruhe brought him recognition, but his international breakthrough came in the 1990s. Christian Thielemann has a broad repertoire ranging from Bach to Henze and Gubaidulina. His interpretations of the German Romantic opera and concerto repertoire are recognised worldwide as exemplary. Since his Bayreuth debut in 2000 (Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, he has characterised the Festival every year with his standard-setting conducting. In 2012, Thielemann took over the artistic direction of the Staatskapelle Dresden, one of the oldest and most traditional orchestras in the world. Here he continued his work on the works of Richard Wagner, Johannes Brahms and Anton Bruckner and took the Staatskapelle to a new level in terms of sound. He also achieved great recognition as conductor of the Bayreuth Festival and became one of the central artists of this traditional festival. His interpretations are characterised by extraordinary tonal precision, careful phrasing and an intense, often archaic power. In the works of Wagner and Bruckner in particular, he achieves a density and drama that makes him one of the leading specialists in this repertoire.

Influence and legacy

In addition to his duties as a conductor, Thielemann is also a committed music educator and mentor. He regularly gives masterclasses and is committed to promoting young talent. His influence on the music world is immense — not only through his work with top orchestras, but also through his clear positions on the interpretation of German Romantic music. Christian Thielemann's discography is extensive and includes numerous recordings of symphonic works and operas for Deutsche Grammophon. With the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, he has performed all of Beethoven's symphonies, recordings of which have been released on CD and DVD. His recordings with the Staatskapelle Dresden include Bruckner's Eighth Symphony, Beethoven's Missa solemnis and the recordings of the ZDF New Year's Eve concerts in 2010 and 2011, compositions by Wagner and Liszt as well as Brahms' first piano concerto with the pianist Maurizio Pollini. Thielemann's recordings have won many prizes and are regarded as reference works. His recordings of Wagner's operas, Bruckner's symphonies and Strauss' tone poems are particularly highly regarded by classical music lovers. Christian Thielemann has been an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Music in London since 2011. He has also been awarded honorary doctorates from the Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar and the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). With his uncompromising musical style and his deep understanding of sound structures, Christian Thielemann has left a lasting mark on the classical music landscape. As one of the last representatives of the great German conducting tradition, he leads the works of his musical role models into the future with respect, passion and tonal refinement.